Wednesday, January 20, 2010

What about Windows 7

Windows 7

Microsoft launches product Windows 7 come hell or high water. Competitors have long been waiting for Microsoft to make one big blunder. Eagerly waiting to pounce on the software giant. Vista is that big blunder.

When Vista was released not more than 3 years ago, it had all the promise of a 21st century technology. New century, new milestones were the vision. There were new graphics and sound stacks. Improvements in security, networking and storage. The works.

Sadly, all these came with a price. And the price is a wee bit too steep for common users. It had high hardware requirements. Drivers that are slow, unreliable and non-existent. The reception of both vendors and users was either apathy or aversion especially for those who are extremely familiar with the user interface of Windows XP and 2000.

But Microsoft, with all the engineers and software programmers they have, immediately comes up with Windows 7 with all guns blazing to shut out its competitors. There is already a enormous buzz that has been generated. Users are already inquiring about Windows 7. Now the real test is coming.

Let's wait and find out how this product truly performs. Can 7 fill up all the inadequacies of Vista? Will it have the same confusing Tool Bars and Menu Bars? Will the blazing guns of microsoft engineers prevail? Or will this be the nail to the coffin which vista started?

In the mean time we bid adieu to Windows Vista. Let's all rejoice and say Hasta La Vista Baby!